December 2011 archive

Baby Creatures

The single gosling the gaggle have managed to produce this year continues healthy. Visitors aren’t doing quite so well, my gander doesn’t like them at the best of times, and when he has a gosling it becomes the worst of times. A friend had to skip quite fast three days ago, and I’m expecting several …

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Paperback of The Questing Road

is due out at the end of january. I’m looking forward to seeing my copies and having them available at our 2012 natcon and seeing them available at the Oz natcon (Continuum 8)- which I hope to attend as well (baring acts of Ghod.) I’ve also been clearing short work submissions off the table this …

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One Out of Four IS Bad

A sad event two days ago. Sister One the goose has been brooding four eggs, and they hatched. I spotted her strutting across the lawn for dinner with a single gosling in tow and was disappointed. I presumed that the terrible thunderstorms we’d had a week or so earlier might be to blame, (the massive …

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Ms Miesel, born in 1941, holds Master’s degrees in Biochemistry and Medieval History. She is predominantly a non-fiction writer who has produced a number of very valuable works examining the writings of others both in and out of the SF field – and I do recommend most of them. However in one way she had …

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The Disappeared by Kristine Katherine Rusch.

published softcover (this WMG edition in 2011, previously in 2002) Reviewed by Lyn McConchie. The trouble with this book is that it’s too good. And if that sounds odd, bear with me. The book was a gift, I scanned the blurb and thought that it should be a good read because a) the author writes …

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Subconscious still out-speeding trains

And in the last week I’ve done another three stories. Finally however, I seem to have caught up – temporarily anyway. But while I have other work done/to do over the last 3, and next 3, days, I get the feeling that my ability to produce a short story fountain is only briefly in abeyance. …

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A Bad Case of the “Mysteries.”

I was happily doing a few blog entries when, just as I finished the ‘Cuckoos’ one, an email signalled arrival and I turned to check who was contacting me. According to the email it was from the Department of Internal Affairs and they’d just deposited a sum of money into my bank account. I considered …

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Cuckoos in the Nest

IF the eggs ever hatch, I may have given one of my geese psychological problems. The geese sat earlier this year, Senior on five eggs, Sister One on one egg, and Sister Two on hot air and hope. Nothing hatched, (particularly the hope.) The eggs must have been infertile because nothing hatched, and finaly all …

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The Sounds of Silence

Living on a farm for more than twenty years makes you sleep lightly. That is, I sleep well, but any sound that’s out of the usual tends to have me drift towards being more awake and aware until it’s identified. Then I drift back down to solidly asleep again. I never come completely awake unless …

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FIREBIRD by Jack McDevitt.

an ‘Alex Benedict’ novel, hardcover, published ACE November 2011. Reviewed by Lyn McConchie. I don’t think that it’s any secret that I love Jack’s work. I like some of his books more than others, but I’ve never found any of them to be less than very good. The ‘Alex Benedict’ series has been fun, clever, …

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