
It looks as if forecasts may have been right about this winter. They said that temperatures would be milder and thus far they have been – something that is showing signs of continuing since it’s now officially spring. On the other hand after the drought we had over the start of the year, rainfall stepped right back up with over seven inches in June that should have throughly replenished the water table, and with just under another five inches in July to make it almost a foot of rain in 2 months.

As a result I’m not going through firewood as fast as in many years: which is a good thing. Firewood costs a fortune, although not as much as heating the whole place does either electrically, or not heating it much at all as an alternative – which leads to screaming protests by my damaged leg and an inability to do much. Sigh. But swings and roundabouts. A warmer winter usually leads to a really cold one the next year. I think I’ll continue buying in firewood even now that it’s officially spring.Something my house manager may not appreciate simce she’s can be the one who shifts it from lawn to woodshed. On the other hand the geese appreciate it deeply – there’s the chance to bite the firewood merchant, and possibly anyone else occupied with carrying armloads of firewood. What would be ideal is having burglars who carry the wood into the shed. That way I’d have the work done, and the gaggle would have a field-day – pity it isn’t likely to happen.

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