
well, as I put it, the geese have gozzled. One gosling, and only one, but that’s better than nothing and before Christmas its feathers should have started coming in and I’ll know what sex it is. (My geese are part Sebastopol and feather colour is sex-linked.) If it’s a boy I’ll have to find it a new home as three ganders will definitely be one too many. If it’s a girl I may let her stay as four geese to two ganders won’t be a problem, although I’ll have to see if the grazing they have where they live will be sufficient. But it’s good to have a possible addition to the gaggle since it’s been around 4 years now since I added a younger bird.The baby is thriving thus far. It’s fortunate that the adult geese impressed on my friend’s puppy that they are not to be trifled with since Duke was interested in the baby the other afternoon, but too well instructed to approach close enough to upset the gaggle. Instead he sat far enough away not to to bother anyone and he and the baby eyed each other with great interest. I was a bit worried the baby might approach him instead but it didn’t – seems the adults may have impressed that on s/he/it too.

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