Very Pleasant New Year.

Friends arrived on New Year’s day and were able to stay several nights. They are cat-lovers and Thunder was ecstatic, I was very pleased to see them, but the geese – refused permission to eat visitors – weren’t quite so delighted. It was a different thing when they departed. Thunder turned his back on them, on my house manager when she arrived ten minutes later, and on me (when I tried to explain that they couldn’t live here)  and sulked. He did relent when it dawned on him that if he wanted to be cuddled he had to settle for us, but next morning he was at the door of the extension where those who stay reside, bawling for me to ‘open the door quick’ in case they’d sneaked back and hidden there (and he could be patted and stroked and talked to again for ages and ages.)  After considerable checking he found that they hadn’t – and now he’s miffed again. Oh well.

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