Winter Rolls In

It did, a frost or two, about four inches of rain in 3 days, and everything outside is cold and soggy. Not too cold though, and the rain drains away fast from here so after a day of fine we aren’t so soggy either. The geese were quite please by the rain, that much and it fills a dip on the lawn and they can swim for a few hours. The hens were not pleased, mad as a wet hen isn’t only a saying, it typifies what I saw looking out in a line from under the hay-barn door. Displeased hens, who prefer not to be wet and feel – as usual – that I should do something about it. Sorry girls, I don’t control the rain no matter how much I’d like that. Although, come to think of it, trying to please farmers all over the world? No, I don’t think I want control of the weather.

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