Down on the Farm

currently I’m irked by the weather report. Today and maybe tomorrow I’d planned to clear up blogs and submissions due, then on Monday go back to the new book I’m writing and which I hope to have finished before the end of next month. This programme may not be assisted by Cyclone Pam, said to possibly hit my area around late Sunday night/Monday morning. Newspaper reports suggest it could create as much devastation as Bola, which hit in the 80s and wrecked half the east coast. So between blog and submissions this weekend I’ll be outside battening down the hatches, and hoping Pam really isn’t a visitor here, holding up the book, annoying the geese, putting the hens off laying, and leaving me with a cat that’ll complain the whole time because he wants to go out into his cat park – and it’s blowing a cyclone, raining buckets, and… it’s all my fault. Sigh. On the other hand I have some hope. It’s my experience that when the forecast is that most of the country is going to get beaten up, we find here that it’s no more than we usually get, just wet and windy. I can live with that – and so can the cat.

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