Maybe a Month off Now?

Three weeks ago I was coping with cold weather and clearing a host of items that stacked up while I was writing my latest novella. In a neat repeat, this past two weeks has seen me writing the other planned novella, and now I have a month ‘off” – depending on the definition of ‘off.’ I checked this morning.
Friends are away, so I’m feeding their cat and keeping an eye on their sheep.
Articles for the newspaper are getting down a bit so I should write another 2-3.
I have plots for two short stories demanding that I do something about them.
I’m due to do my blog this week.
Ah, not quite so “off” as I’d thought. Not to mention all the usual farm stuff, shopping, emails, letters, three parcels that should go out to friends or family, and a cat that expects me to be be at his beck and call. Oh, well, never bored, and I prefer that to any alternative.

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