Battened hatches update.

We did get gales that Saturday – and rain. About two and a quarter inches in 30 hours. But the gales weren’t the ones we CAN get, which often run to 130k. I’d have been surprised if they were over 110k here this time. However while we may not have been getting a beating others certainly were. Trees down, roofs off, flooding, a firefighter injured, and a lot of people left twitching.
I’d moved the sheep undercover and they were fine, the geese had considered the weather and all vanished into the woodshed, the hens into the hay barn, and the calves were down in the lee of the hill.
Then too I’d scurried out as soon as the drizzle began around 3pm Saturday and filled the cat TV tin. That’s the large cake tin nailed on the fence with perches either side. Thunder sits in the front window and watches it very happily for hours if the birds are coming and going – and with it filled, they were. That way, with it loaded, the multitude of finches, magpies, starlings, thrushes, sparrows, tuis, bellbirds, and assorted others of the flying feathered community, all had full tummies by the time temperatures dropped solidly and the winds began. They went off to bed early and slept through until morning when the wind had already died down again and the rain was back to flurries. This suited both parties. They don’t get killed trying to forage through the storm because they’re still starving, and I don’t have to see the pathetic little bodies.

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