An Afternoon Out

An invitation to speak on my children’s ‘Troll books” at a local school saw the artist (Judy Giddens) who did those with me, collect me early afternoon and whisk me away to chat to some 30 small children at the South School. It was pleasant, kids often ask penetrating intelligent questions and it’s always a pleasure talking about my work. Judy, who did those five books with me, seemed to have the ability with the Troll series of getting into my head and seeing what the characters looked like. My Australian publisher (of the Daze books) also likes her work so we may continue together with her illustrating and my writing in happy harmony. I returned laden with parting gifts, (a lovely bouquet, pretty card, and a large iced cake) to find the gaggle waiting lined up at the gate. I had fed them before I departed, but ransom was demanded for my absense, so I gave them a smidgen more. They’re a bit above themselves at the moment. They were on the front page of the newspaper and it seems to have given them ideas…

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