How Dry It Is.

Looking at the TV news on the recent floods in Christchurch I’m very grateful that we don’t flood up here. We do get ferocious gales however so I suppose it’s always something. And currently the last three months have been too dry as well. I guess with a farmer the weather is rarely perfect. However I’ll settle for not-perfect. It’s better than floods. Also just past has been the 10th anniversary of the 2004 floods when a whole bunch of bridges were washed out, a number of small vaillages were completely cut off, a main gasline was wrecked, and many farms were under water. I remember it vividly because the low-lying areas in the neighbouring Wairarapa and Manawatu were flooded. Farside being where it was, yet again stayed dry. And before someone says that I’m ‘lucky.’ No, actually that’s why I purchased here, because it’s well away from possible floods or tsunamis. Of course, I’m also a mere 20k from a major mountain range. I’ll just have to hope that no dormant volcanos reactivate…

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