Very Happily, it’s Raining.

In fact it has been for some time. It began on Saturday with patchy light drizzle, 2mls by Sunday morning, and again by Monday morning. 4mls to date. After that it stepped up, to steady drizzle, with occasional heavier showers but not stopping at all. It didn’t feel like a huge amount until I checked the rain gauge this monring, also at 7 – yes, us farmers do get up early, actually I was up half an hour before that – to find another 44mls. That’s almost 2 inches over the 2 and a half days, all soaking in and with no wind to dry it off the ground. The forecast is for this to continue and I’m really really hoping that they are right. IF they are, our area could see as much as 6-7 inches or 120-150mls for the week and all of it absorbed by dry land. A consumation devoutly to be wished!

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