Winter Came Back When We Weren’t Looking.

On Friday winter came back, just in case we’d thought that it was really spring now. I was reading a book and making notes for a review mid-afternoon when I had the impression that temperatures had dropped. I checked the outside thermometer and they certainly had. Around lunchtime it had been a good 13 degrees, now it was three! And not only was it starting to spit, but the wind was getting up as well. I fed the feathered contingent and retired smartly. I know the symptoms, it’d be a wild night – and it was. 100k gales, lashing showers of alternate rain and hail, and Thunder my cat settled on me like a brick all evening – humans exist to keep cats warm. The weather stayed that way most of Saturday too, ending with the lawn white with hail, and in the end by Sunday morning when it’s settled – briefly I know – we’d had 20mls of precipitation, and gales are forecast to begin again later tonight and continue as really severe all Monday. So much for ‘it’s spring.’ Winter had one last bite and we’re being bitten.

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