Busy Busy Books

No, I didn’t have much of a break over year’s end. If it wasn’t one thing it was another, the farm, visitors, writing small stuff and – then there were books. I celebrated my ‘break’ by completing revision on the Holmes book (Poisonous People) due to appear shortly, while at the same time writing the next (Familiar Crimes) which went to be considered at the publisher shortly after the start of the year. And the truth is that I like being busy. I like knowing that there’s a list of things to do over the next six months or so. I can move those around, speed up, slow down, but every so often I can cross off something on the list, and move on to the next item. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. Currently on the list for this year are writing three novellas, three books (plus more short stories and articles) – and lambing – A nice spread of activities. And no, I’m never bored either.

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